After reading information and watching some video clips I've discovered that weasels are very playful, they have a huge amount of energy that seems to never end jolting from one place to the next with a brief stop to look around. Weasels are very aware of their environment similar to a meerkat in the way that they occasionally stop and look around to see if its safe, they will always kill more then they need which become problematic for poultry farmers (this is also the case of foxes). Although considered pest to farmers they are also beneficial to the land due to them killing a lot of other rodent pests.
below are a few weasel videos, the videos are quite good in showing some natural characteristics of the weasels i think they've really helped me to understand weasels more like their quick decisive movement and reactions.
Video of a weasel
Baby weasels
Weasel eating a dead chicken

I've got a few videos of stoats which are short tailed weasels found all over the world, they exhibit the same kind of behaviour but with darker colouring. I found a lot more stoat videos than weasel primarily due to the fact of the weasel as a derogatory term which seems to be everywhere. having research on stoats doesn't really interfere with my weasel information.
The video below with the stoat playing with a dead mouse is my favorite, just the way the animal is so quick and rolling about just shows how precise they can be, the one with the dog shows how athletic stoats are with no balance issues that would otherwise cause it to fall off the dogs back.
Stoat playing with a dog
Good Video of a stoat playing with a dead mouse
I love that video so energetic
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