Friday 23 July 2010

Changing faces

drawings from yesterday
I wanted to experiment with the face structure since it keeps looking wrong to me, it needs something to make it right, so these are two loads of facces attempting to get the face looking right.

I don't know if I'm quite there yet but these are a start.

these I found after drawing them faces but are really good for research.. once that book turns up I should beable to get it drawn perfectly.


  1. keep at it, darren - this back-to-basics research is essential to a convincing character design. I know I'm repeating myself, but let's see some studies of their skeletons and skulls etc.

  2. ok I will have to try and find some =], that book I've ordered has a load of that and should be coming tomorrow In the meantime I'll have alook at some vet stuff and see what I can come up with.
