Monday 19 July 2010


Weasel character
now that I've looked at some characteristics of weasels and stoats I can mold my character based on their strengths. According to the creating characters with personality book creating boundaries can be beneficial to the design process so below are my own.

  • high speed
  • quick reaction times
  • large jump height for size
  • slender
  • playful
  • cautious
  • precise killers
  • Territorial
  • rouge
character's mental attributes
  • Focused
  • takes risks
  • mischievous
  • bad rather than evil
  • does have compassion but puts up an bad front
  • over confident with abilities
  • irrational fear of bees
Physical Attributes
  • marks from previous fights due to taking risks/overconfidence
  • poor condition clothing
  • two different colour eyes add to corrupt look
  • low muscle mass
  • ranged weaponry
  • bands on tail
  • piercing in one ear

  • England
  • Time: --- will have to see about that
  • grassland
  • possibly near a chicken coop

With this in mind I could create an assassin, ninja or a sniper for a few things off the top of my head. A sniper weasel shooting chickens with deadly accuracy, i can see it now weasel character lying on a hill dressed like Sam Fisher off of the 'Splinter Cell' series of games who is a trained silent take down assassin... something I will have to experiment with.

Sam Fisher

Sam Fisher as a base for my character I think is a good idea, he has most of the characteristics of a weasel and the gear I really do like although the technology might be too advanced for my taste if I were to base my weasel on Fisher I would have to downgrade or maybe go all futuristic but again that's something I can figure out as I work out how my characteristics would be applied to my characters mental state IE the character might be a quick killer but hes also cautious so he/she might be a nervous type or anything so that's something I'll have to look into.


Altair from the 'Assassins Creed' series of games, this is more like it although I'd rather had him use a bow but that's my own personal taste. Altair is an assassin set in 1190AD, your job is to take down various people of importance, the clothing really appeals to me to me a bow and arrow for my character would seem right considering if I'm setting it in England where many bows were created again the timeline will be an issue before i concrete that idea.


I did say ninja but as far as I know there wasn't any English ninjas =P but the idea of a ninja is still valid and 'ninja' s just a name anyway. the full clothing is good for the really evil and sneaky look just being able to see the eyes with the silhouette is always a bad guy sort of look.

Robin Hood

Similar to the Assassins Creed look, robin hood uses a bow and woodland for cover this would be a perfect base if it didn't draw me to the robin hood anthropomorphic cartoon movie. I might make the character female seeing though I'm always drawing male characters..would give me good experience at drawing the female figure.

hmm some of my attributes might change if I make it a female character I suppose I could leave it how it is and see how the character works out, them boundaries aren't set in stone. more research is required..


  1. all good stuff, darren - but I want to see you figuring out the skeleton/joints/muscles - the inner anatomy of your weasels. It doesn't matter how stylised you're taking this, the proportions and poses etc. should be informed by real world anatomy... it's the donkey work, but, in the end, it will make your design job easier.

  2. ok I'll try and get some good stuff posted tomorrow in my next post.
